Actress Lyubava Greshnova spoke about her feelings during clinical death

The famous Ukrainian actress, the star of the popular TV series "House for Two", "My New Life" and "Terrible Beauty" Lyubava Greshnova shared her impressions of experiencing two clinical deaths. In an interview with Slava Dyomin, the actress talked about the causes of these tragedies and her feelings at that moment.

Both cases happened during Lyubava's student years. The first incident happened in the dormitory, when the actress lost consciousness due to allergies. As it turned out, she drank the wrong drug and, leaving the room, simply fainted. The quick reaction of her neighbors, who did not panic and injected the drug into her eyes, was important, because the ambulance might not have arrived on time.

The second case occurred in the student polyclinic, when Lyubava took an antibiotic to treat otitis. The doctor prescribed a strong drug, after which the actress experienced clinical death when her heart stopped for a while. Emergency aid was provided with adrenaline.

These two cases for Lyubava became completely different in feelings. During the first clinical death, she felt strong internal discomfort and fear, not understanding what was happening. It was like having several hundred loud tracks playing in one room at the same time.

While during the second case, the actress felt only a pleasant warmth and calmness, even enjoyment of the state in which she was. According to her, after she was injected with the drug, she was literally high from what she felt. When she was brought back to consciousness, she admitted that she was not ready to leave this state: "It was so cool for me, why did you do it?" said Lyubava to her rescuers.



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