38-year-old Ukrainian singer Olya Tsybulska shared an impressive story about how many times she thought about leaving her husband Serhii Hrysyuk, with...
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmygal said during the International Transport Forum that partial opening of the airspace in Ukraine is currently impossible due to the security situation. He emphasized...
In Ukraine, banks are obliged to regularly check their customers to ensure the relevance of data, as well as to prevent financial crimes. In particular, it is about identification and...
Ukrainian surgeons of the National Scientific Center of Surgery and Transplantology named after O.O. Shalimov performed a unique operation for a serviceman who had skin transplanted on his face after a severe mine-explosive...
In Ukraine, a mass review of sentences under the article "Theft" (185 of the Criminal Code) continues for the third month due to changes made to the legislation in July 2024. Changes,...