The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent who organized an "observation post" in the attic of a multi-story building in Mykolaiv in order to correct enemy strikes on the regional center. As reported...
Weather conditions are expected to stabilize in Ukraine on the weekend of November 30 and December 1. Precipitation will leave the territory of the country, although it will be cloudy on Saturday, and already...
The winner of the title "Miss Lviv 2021", Veronika Benyakh, found herself at the epicenter of a loud scandal due to an incident with a war veteran that happened in Lviv. Mykola Hryhorenko, military,...
The head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (MUD) Kyrylo Budanov denied rumors about possible dismissal from his post, which again became the topic of media discussions. By...
Ukrainian activist and commander of the First Voluntary Medical Hospital (PDMG) named after M. Pirogov Gennady Druzenko expressed a disturbing opinion about the catastrophic situation in which Ukraine found itself....