A panic attack is a sudden onset of intense anxiety accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and a feeling of unreality. This...
On November 17, as a result of a large-scale Russian missile and drone attack on Odesa region, two people were killed, another one was injured - a 17-year-old boy. He is currently receiving all the necessary medical...
The People's Deputy of Ukraine was informed of suspicion of treason for spreading narratives of the aggressor state and promoting subversive activities against Ukraine. The suspect was brought forward for procedural...
Serhiy Sternenko, who recently found himself in the center of attention due to his failure to appear at the summons to the TCC and evasion of mobilization, during the years of the full-scale war, led out of...
In Ukraine, a debate is unfolding regarding the legal status of civilians who were captured by Russia and returned to their homeland. Current legislation provides certain guarantees to prisoners of war,...