Weather forecast in Ukraine for Friday: wet snow, rain and ice

Weather conditions are expected to deteriorate tomorrow in Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, precipitation in the form of sleet and rain is possible in most of the country, and...

In Western Europe, support for Ukraine "to victory" is decreasing

In seven countries of Western Europe, a sharp drop in support for Ukraine in the war against Russian aggression was recorded. According to polls, most Europeans now prefer peaceful...

The 18-year-old committed suicide due to psychological humiliation

A terrible tragedy occurred in Kirovohrad Oblast. The teenager, who was only 18 years old, committed suicide after being psychologically abused by a man who was against...

Representatives of the organization involved in corruption scandals seek to join the anti-corruption unit of the Ministry of Defense

Information appeared in the mass media that the founders of the StateWatch analytical center — Oleksandr Lemyenov and Hlib...

Illegal production of 120 tons of alcohol was exposed in Kyiv region

Law enforcement officers discovered large-scale production of illegal alcohol at one of the enterprises in the Kyiv region. Detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (BEB) seized 120 tons of ethyl alcohol,...


Ukraine is waiting for a sharp cold after anomalous heat

Ukrainians are waiting for a significant change in the weather conditions this week. After...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Chairman of the Council ...

Spring heat continues: weather forecast in Ukraine on March 10

On Monday, March 10, Ukraine is expected to decrease, ...

How to protect animals from ticks: Veterinarian advice

With the onset of heat, ticks are activated, which pose a serious threat ...

In Odessa, the military was exposed to the army release scheme for $ 12,000

In Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a corruption scheme for which the military ...

The most favorite holidays of Ukrainians are research

Despite difficult times, traditional religious holidays - Christmas and ...

Love horoscope on March 10-16: Testing of feelings and fateful meetings

This week, Dawn prepared a lot of trials for lovers. Relationships ...