As a result of a series of shelling carried out by Russian troops, two settlements in Donetsk region were attacked, resulting in the death of two civilians and the wounding of another. The police recorded...
In the conditions of the ongoing conflict in the east of Ukraine, the decision of the Ukrainian government to postpone the lowering of the mobilization age and the mobilization of women caused a wide discussion in society. Our...
The latest statements of the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, once again emphasized Ukraine's steadfast position on the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict with Russia. According to the position...
In Ukraine, a heated debate continues regarding the mobilization of women in the army. The head of the Victory Drones volunteer project, Maria Berlinska, made a statement about the need to mobilize women, arguing...
Instead of the monument to Alexander Pushkin, which was dismantled as part of the decommunization and decolonization policy, a new art installation appeared in its place. The authors of the project presented...