Prices for the favorite product of Ukrainians increased by 85%

In the pre-holiday period, potato prices in Ukraine continue to rise rapidly, reaching 22-30 hryvnias per kilogram. According to analysts of the EastFruit project, only in the last...

A terrible road accident took the lives of seven people (PHOTOS)

On December 15, at 05:30, a triple road accident occurred near Lviv, in which seven people died. The incident happened on the highway "Ternopil - Lviv - Rava-Ruska" near...

The SBU and the SBU suspect KMDA officials of corruption

According to our sources in the President's Office, the SBU and the SBU were instructed to be more active in identifying and documenting corruption schemes of Kyiv City Hall officials...

The TCC plans to mobilize another 200,000 utility workers

Currently, a new scheme for mobilizing employees of enterprises of state and communal forms of ownership is being implemented, due to the implementation of which the TCC plans to recruit another 200 thousand new recruits for...

Journalists found that the new chairman of DKAU had property that did not correspond to his income

Volodymyr Mikheev, new acting director. head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, found himself in the spotlight due to undeclared expenses on property he acquired during the war....


Komarnitsky businessman fled and his people in Kiev remain unpunished

Scandalous businessman and unofficial "watch" for Kiev Denis Komarnitsky ...

On weekends in Ukraine are expected frost and wet snow

The weekend of March 15-16 will bring a significant cold to Ukraine. By...

Officials with NERCEP, NAPC and CEC receive from 217 thousand UAH per month

Despite the war and the difficult economic situation, the salaries of Ukrainian civil servants ...

What are March 13: Interesting facts about this day

Today's date is related to several traditions, church holidays and ...

Ukraine will be covered with rains, but the heat will not retreat: the forecast for March 13

In the middle of the week, March 13, a small ...

Spring has changed your mind: already on the weekend in Ukraine will come cold

The weather in Ukraine this March is stunning unusually high temperatures ....

Storm Warning in Ukraine: strong wind, rains and thunderstorms will cover part of the country

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center has announced a storm warning on Thursday, March 13 ....