The Ukrainian authorities are not considering the possibility of lowering the mobilization age from 25 to 18 or 20, nor are they planning forced mobilization for women. About...
The armed forces of Ukraine manage to regain lost positions on the territory of the Kursk region of Russia. This became possible thanks to the effective actions of the Ukrainian troops, who are actively recapturing the territories,...
In Ukraine, teachers' salaries vary depending on the type of educational institution, region and other factors. The average salary of teachers in public schools is from 10...
Oleksandr Popovtsev, the temporary acting head of the Shevchenkiv RDA appointed by the OP, has been trying to manage the district in his own way since December 2021. Under the guise of the mandate of the Office of the President,...
Every year in Ukraine, the number of years of insurance experience required for retirement by age increases. Considering this, many Ukrainians have to look for ways to buy additional...