
The secrets of importing Russian goods to Ukraine: the history of two companies

In light of the turbulent events on the international scene and in the context of sanctions against Russia, a new scandalous episode is emerging in Ukraine regarding the import of Russian goods to...

The National Bank lowered the discount rate by 1%: How will it affect the hryvnia and deposit rates

Today, April 25, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) decided to reduce its discount rate by 1% per annum. This is the second reduction in the discount rate in a row, which...

Shortage of personnel in Ukraine: a problem that threatens business development

According to the results of the study of the labor market of Ukraine, conducted by the European Business Association, it was found that three quarters of employers feel a shortage of personnel in the country. This is much higher than...

The court arrested the head of the company in the case of illegal cigarette production

In a case related to the illegal production of cigarettes, the court arrested the head of a company affiliated with an under-sanctioned smuggler. BEB detectives detained the director of the company, who is suspected of evading...

Half of the enterprises face a serious shortage of personnel

During the last few months, the shortage of personnel has become a serious problem for business in Ukraine. In the new monthly enterprise survey conducted by the New Monthly Enterprises Survey, 50%...

Development of Ukrainian EW facilities: improvement of systems and increase in production

Ukraine is actively working on the development of a wide range of electronic warfare (EW) tools aimed at ensuring technological superiority in the defense sphere. This is made possible by the development of...

Ukraine needs 5.4 million people in order for reconstruction to begin today

Ukraine offers a strategy to involve young people in rebuilding the country, announcing its intention to create an Alliance for the development of the workforce in Ukraine and abroad. The Deputy Minister...

Ukraine chose concrete protection of power structures: at least 50 billion hryvnias were spent

In 2023, Ukrainian government officials were faced with a choice: to find and purchase air defense equipment (ADF) to protect Ukrainian energy or to consider the possibility of diversifying energy...
