In Ukraine, a significant reform of the pension system is planned, which may radically change the way pensions are calculated. The government has developed draft law No. 9212, which provides for the introduction of a cumulative pension...
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine announced a new record in the state debt of the country: over the last month, it increased by almost 53 billion hryvnias, reaching more than 152.16...
In the coming days, the restructuring of Ukraine's foreign debt, including Eurobonds, should be completed, and despite the fact that the terms were agreed by the creditors' committee and the Ministry of Finance,...
On August 15, the State Customs Service successfully completed the implementation of a new automated customs clearance system at all automobile checkpoints on the state border. This step is...
For the third day in a row, Monobank has faced a large-scale DDOS attack that began on the evening of August 16. This cyberattack became one of the most serious in the history of the bank and...
The Nestlé company announced the opening of a new factory in Ukraine, which will be located in Smoligov, Volyn. This new production capacity will be part of a hub for the production of...
The living wage in Ukraine, which for a long time served as a reference point for calculating social benefits, fines and other indicators, no longer corresponds to modern realities. Ministry of Labor...
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) plans to significantly ease currency restrictions introduced during the war. This is stated in the internal letter No. 40-0009/61174 sent to banks, in which...