People's deputies are divorcing their wives en masse, saving their millions

Today we will reveal interesting details about how some people's deputies of Ukraine hide their wealth, using an old but effective scheme - divorce. After fabulous enrichment...

"New heroes" - the luxurious lifestyle of the new Da Vinci Wolves commander Serhii Filimonov (Part 1)

The artificial creation of "heroes" from among people close to those in power is a topic that we will reveal in a series of our publications. After all, these "new...

Oleksandr Orlovsky did not pay out more than 4 million dollars to his depositors in the crypto pyramid

Famous crypto guru Oleksandr Orlovsky owes more than $4 million to investors in his crypto pyramid scheme. The day before, it became known that a citizen of Ukraine living in Dubai can...

Rostyslav Shurma "covers" the schemes of the Alliance bank and its owner Pavlo Shcherbany - mass media

The deputy head of the Office of the President, Rostislav Shurma, may be the "secret patron" of the small "Alliance" bank, which has recently been regularly involved in corruption scandals. Thanks to close relations with...

Vadym Gutzait is the most professional sports corruptor of Ukraine

Very soon, the Summer Olympic Games will begin in Paris, which is why we decided to dedicate this investigation to the ex-minister of youth and sports of Ukraine, Vadym Gutzait. And first,...

Bohdan Pukish: Medvedchuk's associate continues to do business in Ukraine

Bohdan Pukish plays a key role in the tangled web of business interests associated with Viktor Medvedchuk. A well-known businessman from Ivano-Frankivsk and a longtime associate of Medvedchuk, he manages companies...

Wartime enrichment became a habit for the Servants of the People

In Sumy Oblast, detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) reported suspicion to a deputy from the Servant of the People, who is a member of the parliamentary committee...

Serhii Stefurak: adviser to Denys Shmygal and lobbyist of the EDAP

Serhiy Stefurak is an adviser to Prime Minister Denys Shmygal on public grounds since March 2020. In the media, his person is associated with the return of the scandalous EDAPS (The only...
