Recent events in Ukraine have caused serious concern and indignation in connection with the strike by the Russian Federation on the airfield in Myrhorod. A few days ago, the Russian...
Yesterday there was a significant event for Ukraine: ten civilians who were in Russian captivity returned home. Their exchange took place within the framework of a complex but important...
At the beginning of the summer of 2024, a new scandal broke out in Ukraine related to the purchase of flasks for the needs of the Armed Forces. This case was a testament to the problems...
According to the documents available to the editors, Anastasiya Orlova, a member of the Obukhiv District Council of the Kyiv Region from the political party of Yulia Tymoshenko, being a citizen of the Russian Federation...
On the video is the same Vladyslav Volodsky, who is currently one of the main suppliers of products to the military units of the Armed Forces. He is on his knees begging...
According to the latest events regarding the detention of the former deputy minister of health and ten doctors in the case of manipulations with the transplantation system in Ukraine, society is concerned and...
The head of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy of Ukraine, Danylo Hetmantsev, warns of the need to revise the tax policy in the country in connection with...
This year, the Ukrainian Armed Forces demonstrated significant strategic achievements in terms of military operations in the east of the country, which repelled a number of successful counterattacks and became...