
More and more Ukrainians are ready for territorial concessions for the sake of peace

According to data from the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), during the period from November 29 to December 9, 2023, the number of Ukrainians ready for territorial...

Putin told whose Odesa is and who is to blame for the war

During the "Direct Line" broadcast on December 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused "American friends" of provoking the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began...

George Tuka on the supply of weapons: what limits Europe and NATO?

In the light of recent events, military commentator Giorgii Tuka expressed his point of view regarding possible deliveries of missile complexes to Ukraine and cyber threats, in particular attacks on...

"Solntsepek": who is behind the hackers who attacked "Kyivstar"

"We, Solntsepek hackers, take full responsibility for the cyberattack on Kyivstar. We destroyed 10,000 computers, more than 4,000 servers, all cloud systems...

Kyiv repels a new missile strike from the Russian army. There are victims

On the morning of December 11, Russian troops attempted to carry out an air strike on Kyiv, but all the missiles were successfully shot down. This is reported in the statement of the Kyiv City...
