The Chernihiv Regional State Administration plans to renovate the lyceum at a price twice inflated

On January 18, according to the results of the tender, the Department of Capital Construction of the Chernihiv State Administration ordered SS-Buildcompany LLC to overhaul the buildings of the Chernihiv Lyceum for UAH 28.74 million.

This is reported in the Prozorro system.

By July, the buildings of letters A2-1 and A1-1 of the Chernihiv Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training on Striletsky Street, 1 should be repaired. Windows and doors will be replaced, the ceiling, floor, roof, ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage will be installed, the walls will be insulated.

In the summary information of resources, Ceresit CN-69 dry mix was calculated at UAH 34/kg (here and below the prices are indicated with VAT). The manufacturing company "Henkel Bautechnik (Ukraine)" sells such a mixture for UAH 15/kg, and "Epicentr" also offers it for UAH 15/kg. This is half the price of the estimated price.

Metal-plastic windows were taken into account at UAH 8,268/sq.m. The other day, during the tender for replacing windows and doors with energy-efficient ones, the Chernihiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention ordered windows for UAH 3,480/sq.m. m, which is twice as cheap.


Two-component elastic waterproofing mastic Ceresit CP 43 was priced at UAH 677/kg. The building materials base "KUB" sells such mastic for UAH 325/kg, which is twice as cheap. In addition, the Megatrade SM company offers it at 432 hryvnias/kg, which is one and a half times cheaper.

The company was awarded the contract without competition, because no one else came to open tenders. To participate in them, it was necessary to confirm the availability of financial capacity in three ways.

First, the annual income for the last reporting period was required to be at least 100% of the expected purchase price, i.e. UAH 28.94 million. This is a fairly common requirement now. We will remind you that last year the State Reconstruction Agency published its methodology for holding tenders for the reconstruction of civilian objects. It advises to check the member's income for any of the last three years or for the shorter reporting period of the current year. With an expected amount of up to UAH 100 million, it is recommended to request an amount of income of at least 80% of the expected purchase .

Secondly, the amount of highly liquid assets in the line with the code 1165 "Money and its equivalents" had to be at least the amount of the contract performance guarantee, i.e. UAH 1.44 million.

Thirdly, the current liquidity ratio had to be at least 0.99. We are talking about the ratio of the total assets of the Balance Sheet according to section II "Current assets" (line with code 1195) to the total liabilities of the Balance Sheet according to section III "Current Liabilities and Provisions" (line with code 1695).

Similar requirements were challenged in the AMCU for another procurement. Then the board obliged the Mykolaiv Regional State Infrastructure Department to change the tender documentation, because such requirements are discriminatory in relation to other business entities.

The Department of Capital Construction of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration is headed by Yaroslav Slesarenko, the authorized person for procurement is Vita Hmyria.

The local "SS-Build Company" is owned and managed by Svyatoslav Serdyuk. His wife, Anastasia Serdyuk, previously worked for the current customer - the Department of Capital Construction of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration. Since 2022, the company has tendered mainly UAH 65.72 million.

SOURCE Anticor


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