The deputy proposes to extend the period for updating the data of conscripts from 60 to 150 days

Verkhovna Rada deputy Volodymyr Aryev, representative of the "European Solidarity" party, reported on the initiative to extend the deadline for updating the data of conscripts. The corresponding draft law provides for an increase in the term from 60 to 150 days.

"Currently, the TCC system was not ready to accept the number of citizens who went to update their data. Since, after updating the data in the "Reserve+" application and information about the search, you still need to go to the TCC. Citizens simply will not be able to physically update their data for 60 days. And they can get big fines. That is why my colleagues and I are registering a draft law today on increasing the deadline for updating the data of conscripts from 60 to 150 days," Ariev said.

He also said that EU deputies will demand from the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Defense to make an application "in such a way as to relieve the TCC and issues that can be resolved only after visiting the TCC, could be resolved online."



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