Evidence of embezzlement by the "accidental mayor" of Chernigov Oleksandr Lomako of the community budget worth billions of hryvnias

After the publication in the mass media of materials about embezzlement in at. the mayor of Chernigov Oleksandr Lomako of community budget funds, the public had questions: how did a group of officials of a small regional center manage to steal billions?

Many even doubted the reliability of the data published in the article published by the journalists of 360UA NEWS: Oleksandr Lomako may be suspended for embezzlement of UAH 2.3 billion, after the State Audit Service check .

But everything is true, colleagues from the 360UA NEWS turned out to be right: Oleksandr Lomako and Vladyslav Atroshenko really managed to "gift" only the lands of Chernigov for almost a billion hryvnias. Of course, for some reason the residents of Chernihiv were not informed about such unheard-of generosity of Lomako-Atroshenko.

Only developers affiliated with Lomako-Atroshenko were in the "topic" and in the "fate", which is clearly visible from the contract published by the journalists of the 360ua.news website in a new investigation: " The sad end of the "accidental mayor" of Chernihiv Oleksandr Lomako ".

So let's start with a photo of the same report of the State Audit Service, which contains the conclusions of the state financial audit of the budget of the Chernihiv City Territorial Community of Chernihiv Oblast and audits of the institutions of the Chernihiv City Council for the period from 04/01/2021 to 06/30/2023.

Report of the State Audit Service on the embezzlement of 2.3 billion hryvnias belonging to the community of Chernihiv
Report of the State Audit Service on the embezzlement of 2.3 billion hryvnias belonging to the community of Chernihiv

Next, we publish a photo of one of the contracts, according to which the scheme for the theft of land belonging to the Chernihiv City Community was drawn up, the estimated value of which is about 720.0 million hryvnias.

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands
Contract "Equipment for a billion" with Chernihiv lands

Thus, the Chernihiv City Council handed over 79 plots of communal property with a total area of ​​55.8 hectares to legal entities and individuals related to Oleksandr Lomako and Vladyslav Atroshenko for development. In this way, Lomako-Atroshenko simply "gifted" the land of Chernihiv to developers, and the city budget lost almost a billion hryvnias on this arrangement alone.

Also, according to our information, the attention of the auditors was drawn to massive violations by utility companies of using budget funds to strengthen and equip checkpoints for the territorial defense of Chernihiv and to restore damaged buildings in the city as a result of Russian aggression.

In addition, the attention of the auditors was drawn to massive violations in the management of capital construction and the management of housing and communal services, regarding the use of budget funds for strengthening and equipping checkpoints for the territorial defense of Chernihiv and for works on the restoration of damaged buildings in the city as a result of Russian aggression.

For example, a significant part of the shelters was made by volunteers and the military on their own, and restoration work was carried out with funds from charitable organizations. Instead, utility companies and contractor construction organizations, which were supposed to carry out the relevant work, simply appropriated budget funds for these purposes.

Another example: KP "Chernigivvodokanal" of the Chernihiv City Council in order to eliminate the consequences of hostilities and restore the process of providing centralized water supply services received UAH 150.0 million from the reserve fund of the state budget for the reconstruction of the water pumping station and the reconstruction of transformer substations. Of these, 148.1 million hryvnias were used. However, the company was unable to provide the auditors' requests to provide documents confirming the actual and targeted use of these funds. That is, the funds simply disappeared into the pockets of officials. And the heads of these institutions, Messrs. Pochep, Kuts and Malyavko, did not submit documents for verification to the auditors and were not ready to report to society.

We continue to publish the facts of embezzlement of funds from the State Budget and the Chernihiv Community Budget by the Lomako-Atroshenko team, and we await the conclusions of the law enforcement officers. After all, the future fate of Oleksandr Lomako and his accomplices will depend on the reaction of law enforcement agencies.



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