In 2024, 25,781 traffic accidents occurred in Ukraine...

In 2024, 25,781 traffic accidents (traffic accidents) occurred in Ukraine, in which 3,202 people died and 32,023 people were injured. These statistics highlight the magnitude of the problem on the country's roads and the need to take measures to reduce the number of accidents.

In 2024, 25 781 road accidents were registered with victims that died 3202 and 32,023 people were injured

- said Biloshitsky.

According to him, the main reasons:

  • exceeding safe and set speeds (39.4% of all accidents with serious consequences);
  • violation of the rules of maneuvering;
  • Violation of the rules of passage.

Types of accidents with victims:

  • collision (41.7%);
  • hit on a pedestrian (26.7%);
  • Obstacle (12.2%).

He also cited other accident statistics:

  • 1000 road accidents - because of drivers in a state of intoxication (alcohol or narcotic). In such an accident, 110 people were killed and 1302 were injured.
  • 4563 road accidents with dead and/or injured children whose 180 children were killed and 5225 children were injured.
  • During the year, 6877 road accidents occurred with victims of pedestrians, which died 983 people and 6357 - injured.

At the same time, 300 complexes of automatic fixation of traffic offenses were restored on the roads. “And there will be more. With the help of the auto -fixation system, during 2024 4 361 914 resolutions were issued, and in non -automatic mode police issued 644 102 resolutions, ” - said Biloshitsky.

There is also a reinforced patrol mode. "The presence of auto -patrols, which additionally follow the situation on the roads, is increased by +120 crews," - said Biloshitsky.



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