GUR reports on the destruction of two Russian helicopters near the coast of Crimea on the night of December 31

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that on the night of December 31, naval drones successfully attacked two Russian helicopters near the coast of Crimea. This happened as a result of the operation, the details of which were revealed after the initial information, which added about the destruction of one helicopter.

It will be recalled that Ukrainian naval drones "Magura", on which they learned how to install missiles, began to attack helicopters.

Russian military publication Fighterbomber confirms the loss of helicopters. And he writes that with the appearance of surface-to-air missiles on Ukrainian unmanned boats, "the situation in the Black Sea has changed dramatically not in our favor."

Earlier, it was helicopters that were Russia's main means of combating BECs.

And, according to the public's assessment, now the Russian Federation can destroy naval drones only with attack aircraft, which can work effectively only during the day, and even then in the absence of clouds.

"Currently, the surface fleet is not able to protect itself from BECs in the open sea. Or more precisely, unable to defend himself effectively. He can defend himself in bays and bases with variable success. According to the knocking out (perhaps temporary) of the helicopter component, we (and in fact no one) cannot ensure the safety of civil shipping at sea," the public writes.

He believes that this marks the general crisis of the world's large fleets, which are currently vulnerable to small submarines.

He sees the solution to the problem in the use of shock drones with means of repaying BECs. But he notes that no one has them in large quantities yet.

It is also possible to mute the control frequencies of BECs. But so far they have not learned to do this either.



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