The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution on reducing the maximum number of employees of six executive authorities.
The changes were approved by Resolution No. 52 of January 17, 2025, which amends the previous Resolution No. 85 of April 5, 2014, which regulates the maximum number of employees in state institutions.
Who was affected by the cuts?
The decision of the Cabinet provides for a reduction in the number of employees in the territorial bodies of the following departments:
- Ministry of Justice - reduced by 20 people, to 13,252 employees.
- State Statistics Service (State Statistics Service) – reduced by 20 people, to 3,939 employees.
- Ukrtransbezpeka – reduced by 20 people, to 7,385 employees.
- The State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (Derzhgeokadastr) – reduced by 10 people, to 4,046 employees.
- The State Labor Service (Derzhpratsi) was reduced by 10 people to 2,103 employees.
- State Environmental Inspection (State Koinspektion) – reduced by 10 people, to 1,531 employees.
The number of employees of the central offices of these departments will remain unchanged, and the reductions will apply only to territorial bodies.
Downsizing can be part of the government's overall strategy to optimize the state apparatus and reduce the costs of its maintenance. However, the question remains open as to how this will affect the effectiveness of the executive authorities, especially in the regions.
Such steps of the Cabinet of Ministers are another attempt to adapt the state system to modern challenges and reduce administrative pressure on the budget.