The famous Ukrainian singer Kamaliya shared the details of her relationship with her ex-husband, Pakistani billionaire Mohammad Zahoor, after the divorce. The performer said that the businessman is categorically against the return of their joint daughters to Ukraine.
Zahoor is known to have taken 11-year-olds Arabella and Mirabella in a full-scale invasion of London, UK. They have been living there for almost three years. Kamalia divorced her husband at the beginning of the Great War, but they remained on good terms and often spend time together with their children. However, this time, in the comments for the "ZhVL presents" program, she told for the first time that everything is not always so perfect with her ex. The ex-spouses had conflicts over the girls.
The fact is that they dream of returning to their native Kyiv, but their father is categorically against it. Because of the security situation, he insists that his daughters live in London with him until the end of the war. The celebrity tried to persuade the billionaire to return the girls to Kyiv, but he flatly refused, which gave rise to conflicts between them.
"They even complained to me that they are depressed in London: "We don't want to live there, we want to return to Kyiv." And recently they even told me: "Mom, talk to dad. You gave birth to us - you have more rights than he. That's where you want us to live, and that's in Kyiv, that's where we should live." I have already talked to my dad a thousand times. And we are just arguing about it. He doesn't want to. He says that while the war is going on, it's only for vacations," the star said.
The girls came to their mother in Ukraine for the holidays, so Kamaliya is looking for a gift for them. Arabella and Mirabella dream of having a cat and have already asked their mother to buy them a pet for the New Year.
"They are persuading me, they want a cat. They love animals. They will always bring someone. Let's go for a walk in the town and there will be a cat or a dog at home," added the artist.