Famous Ukrainian blogger, businesswoman and wife of the People's Artist of Ukraine Viktor Pavlik, Kateryna Repyakhov, shared the news about her second surgery. This time, it decided on menttolasticism - an operation that changes the shape of the chin, making it more expressive with the implant.
In her Instagram, the star of the network shared her impressions. It is a surgical procedure during which the chin shape is changed by increasing it by implant. According to Catherine, she always dreamed of this operation because she never liked the shape of her chin.
Several times the blogger made injections of beauty, in particular, she was punched by fillers, which increased the lower part of the face. But the effect of them was short -lived, so the woman decided to solve her problem once and for life.
"Another dream is done. All is well with me, friends. But I don't talk, I do not feel the lower lip," Pavlik's wife wrote and posted on the network after surgery.

Rehabilitation is waiting for a businesswoman. So far, she is in the hospital, where she gradually recovers after surgery. Catherine told that she is still difficult and painful to eat because of swelling, but over time the pain will pass.
Before that, Catherine had already done rhinoplasty - an operation during which the shape of the nose is changed. She said that she wanted to make menttoplasty earlier, but under the influence of Hate about her nose shape, she first decided on rhinoplasty.

By the way, Ropyakhov married Pavlik in the summer of 2020. However, they constantly carried the loud celebration first through a pandemic and then through a full -scale invasion. In 2021, the couple had a son. Last year, the couple staged a wedding on the anniversary of marriage.
Earlier, Kateryna Rapyakhova moved to Victor Pavlik on the 59th anniversary. On the occasion of the birthday of celebrity, the woman dedicated to him a post online and shared his cute shots with him. The blogger addressed the best wishes to his beloved.