The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police reported that a suspect was served on one of the department heads of the Kyiv City State Administration. The official is accused of organizing the registration of a fictitious disability in order to avoid mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the media, it is about the head of the Department of Social and Veteran Policy of the KMDA, Ruslan Svitly. It is reported that back in 2022, he submitted a package of forged documents to the Dniprovsk MSEK in Kyiv in order to receive disability.
On the basis of fictitious discharges and certificates with various non-existent diagnoses, the official was assigned a second disability group, which not only allowed him to avoid military conscription, but also provided for additional payments from the state budget. In general, from 2022 the official illegally received about UAH 300,000.
So far, he has been informed of suspicion of fraud and forgery of documents. A fictitious disabled person faces up to 8 years in prison.