The Ministry of Education plans to introduce an intermediate exam for students and postgraduates in order to reduce the postponement of mobilization

The Ministry of Education actually confirmed the idea of ​​introducing an intermediate exam for students and post-graduate students, which aims to reduce the number of people who take advantage of the postponement of military conscription.

We would like to remind you that the authorities are planning to hold a qualifying exam in the near future, without passing which, you can be subject to deductions (and therefore also to mobilization, since the deferment is lost).

Deputy Minister Mykhailo Vinnytskyi confirmed on Facebook that post-graduate students who started their studies in 2022 will have to pass such an exam. This exam on knowledge of Ukrainian and foreign languages ​​is waiting for them "in the near future".

This raised questions from commentators. They write that after 2-3 years of study, graduate students are already entering the process of defending theses, but now they will have to be distracted by a new exam.

To this, Vinnytskyi replied that taking such an exam for post-graduate students who already have scientific publications "will not pose a problem."

He also actually confirmed that the essence of the innovation is to weed out male graduate students aged 25 and older. "Unfortunately, not all of our graduate students (especially male contract workers aged 25+) are so conscientious," said the deputy minister.

"If a person came to graduate school for other reasons (getting a deferment from mobilization - Ed.), he may have difficulties. Now the country has a problem: postgraduate studies have become a way to avoid certain responsibilities... This situation needs to be corrected," Vinnytskyi added.

Meanwhile, a petition demanding not to introduce this exam has already appeared on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.



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