Mobilization from the age of 18 in the Armed Forces: what does the new law provide?

According to information circulating on the Internet, the new draft law on mobilization, which is being prepared for the second reading by the Verkhovna Rada, provides for the recruitment of persons over the age of 18 into military service.

Verkhovna Rada deputy Dmytro Razumkov, former speaker of the parliament and associate of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, announced this in his Telegram channel. He also noted that this information was confirmed by a representative of the General Staff.

According to Razumkov, if the draft law is adopted in this form, an 18-year-old person who has completed basic military training or basic military service will automatically become conscripted and may be sent to the front. He characterizes such a policy as a threat to the gene pool and the future of the state.

It should be understood that the final form of the law is currently unknown. The initiative was adopted only at the first reading, and more than 4 thousand amendments have already been submitted. The profile committee continues its review, which may take several more weeks.

In the first version of the draft law, which was voted on in the first reading, there was no mention of the mobilization of 18-year-olds.

Young citizens are mentioned in the document only in relation to basic military training and basic military service.

The draft law not only concerns the new rules of mobilization, but also considers the issue of pre-mobilization preparation.

It is proposed to introduce basic military training or basic military service instead of conscription, which was earlier. It does not involve mobilization or participation in hostilities, except at the voluntary request of the recruits.

The duration of such training will be from three to five months. It will be possible to pass it at any time from 18 to 25 years old.

For military registration, boys should be treated as before when they reach the age of 17.

Mobilization under the new draft law is possible only from the age of 25 (compared to the current legislation, where this age is 27).

The statement about the possibility of forced mobilization of 18-year-olds was denied by the People's Deputy from "European Solidarity" Oleksiy Honcharenko. He informed that the corresponding amendment was rejected by the specialized committee of the Council, therefore the version of the law adopted in the first reading remains unchanged.



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