People's Deputy Fedienko urged to wear paper documents for the shopping center with him

Against the background of technical failures in the application "Reserve+" , MP Oleksandr Fedienko urged Ukrainians to have with them paper copies of booking documents for employees of territorial centers of staffing and social support (TCC).

The People's Deputy reported this in his Telegram-channel , noting:
"I would advise to carry paper documents for booking."

A failure of the application occurred due to high loads on the Bankid system used for authorization. This has caused problems in access to digital documents, in particular for those who use an application for submitting requests for a deferral or referral to the Military Medical Commission (VLK).

Due to the situation, the Ministry of Defense gave Ukrainians some tips on actions in case of problems with authorization in "Reserve+":

  1. If you are already authorized:
    • Store a PDF military document on your smartphone or take an e -mail screenshot to the VLK.
  2. If there are problems with authorization:
    • After submitting a deferral request or referral to the VLK, start recovery of the system.

Fedienko and the Defense Ministry stressed that in the case of technical crashes it is important to have an alternative to digital tools. Paper copies of booking documents may be useful, especially to confirm the status of the shopping center.

Reserve+is a mobile application that allows the military to quickly receive information about their status, reservation or referral to the VLK. However, due to increased loads, the system sometimes faces failure, which requires additional steps to continue to work with documents.

Ukrainians are advised to follow the recommendations and store important documents in advance in a convenient format.



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