Dissatisfaction among war disabled people due to lack of government support

More than 70% of war-disabled people in Ukraine are forced to independently finance their treatment and other medical needs, while they feel completely abandoned by the state. This situation has led to growing discontent among this category of the population.

The French newspaper Le Monde writes about it.

As an example, the publication cites the story of former special forces fighter Yevhen Berdnyk. In August 2023, a mine tore his body in two on the Zaporozhye Front.

In April, the man had to go to Minnesota, to the only institute that supplies prostheses adapted to his disability.

According to Yevhen, "Ukraine does not give anything if you leave the country for treatment. I needed $45,000. My friends in Kyiv collected half, and the Americans said they would add more."

As the veterans say, Ukraine "needs to heal not only the wounds, we will also have to deal with the psychological, family and financial consequences of the war for future generations."

So, for example, over the past two years, the number of patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has increased almost fourfold.



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