According to information from sources, the Office of the President of Ukraine believes that the main problem for the country is political telegram channels that shape public discourse and influence public opinion. In this regard, Volodymyr Zelenskyi recently ordered the development of an internal war plan, where the first point is the fight against disinformation. This was announced by the presidential adviser on communications Dmytro Lytvyn.
Lytvyn noted that "the first task is, of course, countering disinformation." He emphasized that the information point can become the basis from which everything begins.
"If people do not understand what is happening, or if partners do not understand Ukraine's position, then it will be difficult to implement other points," said Lytvyn.
Key structures such as the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUD), the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) will participate in the implementation of this plan. This testifies to the government's serious approach to the issue of disinformation, which became an important component of Ukraine's strategy in the war.