"Ocean Elsa" will release an English-language album for the first time

The Ukrainian music scene amazes the world with its talent and sense of creativity, and the band "Ocean Elsa" is one of the leading representatives of this cultural phenomenon. The leader of the group, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, has always supported the idea of ​​promoting Ukrainian culture abroad, and now the group is marking another important step in its creative career - the recording of an album consisting of tracks performed in English.

The musicians of the Ukrainian band "Ocean Elsa" plan to record English-language tracks for the first time in their history. Frontman Svyatoslav Vakarchuk told about this in the corresponding video published on the band's Instagram social network page.

The leader of "Elsa's Ocean" began by recalling the "Oscar" film award, which Ukraine received for the first time in history for the film "20 Days in Mariupol". According to Vakarchuk, cultural figures of the country should continue to work to ensure that Ukraine's voice continues to sound strong and inspired.

"That is why I am proud to announce that for the first time in its history, "Ocean Elsa" is going to release music in English. We are very happy and focused. The voices of Ukraine are rising higher and higher," Vakarchuk said.

He added that the new album in Ukrainian will be released, as planned, in the fall of 2024. It will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the band's creation.



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