In Ukraine, March 17 is expected cloudy weather. In some areas, rain and wet snow are possible, and ice will be formed in the west. About it reports the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
What weather is the forecasters predicted?
According to the Ukrhydromet Center, light rain is forecast at night in the southern and eastern regions. In the daytime, rainfall will move to the western, northern, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy region, where light sleet is possible. There are no significant rainfall in the rest of the regions.
Due to reducing the temperature on the roads of the western regions, ice is possible, so drivers should be careful.
Wind and temperature
The wind is expected northwest, 7-12 m/s. In the western and northern regions, gusts up to 15-20 m/s are possible, which can complicate the situation on the roads.
Air temperature:
- in the western, northern, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Poltava regions at night 3-8 ° frost, in the afternoon from -1 ° to +4 °;
- In the rest of the territory at night and day 2-7 ° heat, and in the southeast-up to +13 °.
What to expect next?
Forecasters warn that such variable weather can be stored for several more days. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for cooling, especially in the western and northern regions, where night frosts are possible.
Drivers are advised to be careful through ice, and pedestrians do not forget about warm clothes and shoes with a non -slip sole.