Weather in Ukraine March 24: warmth, rains and strong wind

Today, Ukrainians should expect warm but unstable weather. Forecasters are forecasting, most regions will reach a fever, but in some areas rain and heavy wind are possible.

Where to wait for precipitation and wind?

According to Natalka Didenko's forecaster, the rains will be held in the west and north of the country. In addition, in some regions, wind gusts are forecast, especially in the area from Chernihiv to Odessa regions.

The weather with the rain and a strong wind are expected in Kiev. The air temperature will be about +11 ° C.

Temperature in Ukraine

In general, the air temperature will be comfortable - from +10 ° C to +16 ° C.
In the south and in the center of the country - up to +16 ° C.
In the strip from Chernihiv to Odessa region, fresh air is expected.

What happens next?

During the week, the weather is changing. Initially, the country is covered with precipitation, but closer to the middle of the week the forecasters are forecasting a fever up to +20 ° C.

The main factor in influencing atmospheric processes is the active atmospheric front that will continue to move through the western, northern and central regions, changing the weather.

So, on March 24, Ukraine is warm, but with nuances. It is necessary to grasp an umbrella and be prepared for gusts of wind.



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