Today, January 23 , mostly cloudy weather . Light precipitation in the form of sleet and rain is expected in most regions the Ukrhydrometeorological Center reports .
On the Right Bank, fog and ice are forecast in places at night and in the morning, which may complicate the situation on the roads.
The air temperature during the day will vary from -2°С to +3°С. In the Carpathians, 0...-5°C is expected at night, and the temperature will reach 3°C during the day. In the south and west of the country, daytime temperatures will rise to 3...8°C.
The wind is southeast, speed 5–10 m/s.
Forecasters urge drivers and pedestrians to be careful due to possible ice on the roads.
Weather in Kyiv and the region
In the Kyiv region on Thursday, January 23, it will be cloudy, with light sleet and rain. The air in the region will warm up to +3°C as much as possible.
The wind is mainly southeast, 5-10 m/s.
"Weather forecast for January 23 on the territory of Kyiv region. Cloudy, light sleet and rain. At night and in the morning, fog, ice in places in the region. The temperature at night and during the day is from 2°С of frost to 3°С of heat; in Kyiv during the day it is about 0°С", - says the message of the Ukrhydrometeorological center.
As a reminder, the Ukrhydrometeorological Center refuted the information about anomalous warming up to +20° at the end of January.