Weather forecast in Ukraine for December 22: rain, sleet and temperature contrast

Today, the weather in Ukraine will be diverse and contrasting. Precipitation in the form of rain or sleet is expected in some regions. At the same time, the temperature ranges from frost in the Carpathians to spring warmth in the south.

Cloudy with clearings. It is raining in the southern part, eastern and most of the central regions, sometimes with sleet at night; no precipitation in the rest of the territory, only in the extreme west in the afternoon a little wet snow,

- the message says.

The wind is north-easterly, in the western regions southerly, 5-10 m/s.

The temperature during the day is from 3° of frost to 2° of heat (9-14° of frost at night in the Carpathians), 1-6° of heat in the southern part and Dnipropetrovsk region, 5-10° of heat in the Crimea.

Weather in Kyiv and the region

Cloudy with clearings, no precipitation. The wind is northeast, 5-10 m/s.

The temperature in the region during the day is from 3° of frost to 2° of heat; in Kyiv it is about 0°.




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