Today, mostly cloudy weather is expected in Ukraine with occasional clearings. Cold temperatures will remain, but the frosts will be moderate, without sharp changes. In some regions, precipitation in the form of wet snow is possible, which will create a wintry atmosphere and may complicate road conditions.
This is reported by the Ukrhydrometeorological center.
In the East, at night and in the Southeast, there will be a little wet snow. Meanwhile, there is no precipitation in the rest of the territory. Also, at night and in the morning in the West, there is fog in some places, and there is ice on the roads.
North wind, 7-12 meters per second. At night from +2 to -3 degrees, in the Carpathians -2 to -3. During the day +1 - +6, but in the eastern and Sumy regions it is about 0 degrees.
Weather in Kyiv and the region
In the Kyiv region on Sunday, January 19, it will be cloudy with clearings, without precipitation, strong gusts of wind at night. The air in the region will warm up to +6°С.
Danger level I, yellow, has been announced.
"Weather forecast for January 19 on the territory of Kyiv region. Cloudy with clearings, no precipitation. The wind is north-west, 7-12 m/s. The temperature is from 2°С of heat to 3°С of frost, during the day 1-6°С of heat; in Kyiv at night it is around 0°C, during the day it is 3-5°C," the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center said in a statement.
We will remind, in Ukraine, the second half of January surprises with record heat. Forecasters predict abnormal warming across the country, which will reach its peak on January 21-22. The snow cover will melt even in the Carpathians, and daytime temperatures will set new winter records.