The evasive Shabunin will take care of reforming the DBR

Journalist Volodymyr Boyko made serious accusations against Vitaly Shabunin, head of the Anti-Corruption Center. According to him, Shabunin received the status of a combatant without actually being on duty in his unit. These statements caused a wide resonance in society and drew attention to his new role in the reform of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI).

"We are waiting for an incriminating publication of how the disabled Shabunin became a soldier and even a participant in hostilities without ever appearing in his unit. And also - how much money did this swindler receive from the Armed Forces in the form of monetary support and additional remuneration for, as it were, performing tasks under martial law," Volodymyr Boyko writes.

He reminds that at the age of 16, the activist received a temporary certificate of conscript with a record of unfitness for military service. This entry was made on the basis of the fact that Shabunin has moles on his body. Later, Shabunin managed to be completely removed from the military register, as unfit for service not only in peacetime, but also in wartime.

"But after the start of the large-scale invasion, this agent of change and the moral authority of the Ukrainian nation realized that the temporary conscript card bought in 2000 would not save him from mobilization. All the more so because he had before his eyes the example of Daria Kaleniuk, a member of the board of the pseudo-public organization "Anti-corruption Center", who at the beginning of the war took her husband, also the founder of the Communist Party, Orest Rudy, abroad on forged documents. Then Shabunin and another founding father of the CPK - Sherembey, who was convicted three times for apartment thefts - in order to avoid mobilization in March 2022, turned to the commander of the 207th separate battalion of the TrO, Lt. Col. Yushko, and were "retroactively" fictitiously registered for service," Boyko notes.

It will be recalled that Shabunin was repeatedly seen in public places at the time when he was supposed to be on duty. The activist himself does not comment on the accusations against him, instead he said that after his reform of the Bureau of Economic Security, Customs and Tax, he will soon take over the State Bureau of Investigation.

In particular, he noted this in a video answer to subscribers' questions, "Law and Business" informs. He said, after all the previous achievements, he will take on the reform of the State Bank of Ukraine.

Earlier, V. Shabunin reported that he reformed the Supreme Court, created the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the High Anti-Corruption Court, reformed the High Qualification Commission of Judges and the High Council of Justice. Also, according to Shabunin, it was he who brought about the appearance of F-16 fighters in Ukraine.

At the same time, the media reported that Shabunin was exposed for having appropriated a Nissan Pathfinder jeep, given as humanitarian aid for the needs of the Armed Forces, and driving it through the streets of Kyiv. In particular, the court obliged the SBI to register the relevant criminal proceedings. In addition, the SBI instituted two more criminal proceedings against V. Shabunin - on the fact of forging documents from the NAKC and evading mobilization. And NABU opened criminal proceedings on the fact of abuse of official position by the ex-head of the NAZK Oleksandr Novikov and his ex-deputy Artem Sytnyk, who signed letters about Shabunin's false business trips.



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