"Servants of the People" in the Poltava City Council purchased utility equipment at twice the market price

At the last session of the Poltava City Council, a scandal broke out over the purchase of utility equipment at inflated prices. Anton Yarmolyuk, a deputy from the "Servant of the People" party, sharply criticized his colleague from the party, Kateryna Yamshchikova, who heads the Department of Housing and Communal Services (ZhKG), for non-transparent actions during the tender.

"Poltavshchyna" writes about this.

The purchase took place a month ago. The housing and communal services department was purchased from the Kyiv company "Mashineri Ukraina" LLC, having held a tender with one participant. We did not pay much attention to the purchase then, but now we decided to examine it in more detail.

Equipment K-t Price per piece in the contract, UAH Total cost in the contract, hryvnias Price per piece in the store, UAH Potential overpayment, UAH
Branch chopper AM-200TP-K 3 495 000 1 485 000 255 000 720 000
Tractor trailer 2 PTS-4 1 378 000 378 000 255 000 123 000
Sand shaker Pronar T 131 3 1 449 000 4 347 000 750 000 2 097 000
Sand and salt spreader Pronar KCT07 3 783 000 2 349 000 488 000 885 000
Jaw bucket Promin 1 330 000 330 000 55 000 275 000
Rotary mower Wirax Z 069-1.65 3 93 000 279 000 80 000 39 000
In total 9 168 000 4 139 000

If we decided to purchase equipment from the list in stores, the cost would be UAH 4.9 million. We will not claim a potential overpayment of UAH 4 million. For example, the price of the Pronar T 131 sandblaster starts at 750,000 hryvnias, but the exact price must be agreed with the manufacturer. Perhaps Poltava ordered a few additional options from Italian components. However, there is a trend that similar goods are cheaper in stores and sometimes twice as much.



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