Deadly conflict in Kiev: a man shot a rival in the eyes of a child

In one of the residential buildings in Troyeshchyna there was a cruel crime-during the conflict a man shot a 42-year-old resident of Kiev. The murderer disappeared from the scene with his child, but was detained in Bucha.

According to police, the tragedy unfolded after a man came to take a 4-year-old daughter for a few days. However, he had a dispute with his former wife's new cohabitant. The tense relationship between men resulted in a conflict that ended with a bloody massacre.

On the street, the suspect shot a victim several times, after which the wounded tried to escape. The attacker caught up with him and was shot. The man died on the spot from the injuries.

After the committed, the offender took the child, got into the car and went. Police announced a plan of intercepting, and it was soon detained in Bucha.

Criminal proceedings under part 1 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The man faces up to 15 years in prison.

Investigative actions are currently underway, law enforcement officers find out all the circumstances of the tragedy.



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