The capital's obstetrician-gynecologist appropriated budget funds by creating fake procedures

In Ukraine, an obstetrician-gynecologist of one of the Kyiv polyclinics was notified of suspicion of unauthorized actions with information in automated systems. According to the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office, the doctor created fake records of patient appointments in the "Helsi" medical system, which did not actually exist.

According to the investigation, for two years, the doctor entered information about consultations of patients he did not actually receive into the "Helsi" system. The patients, checking their electronic cards, were surprised to see records of visits to the doctor, although in reality they did not make an appointment and did not receive consultations.

So far, law enforcement officers have established at least 22 episodes of falsification. The investigation also checks whether the doctor misappropriated budget funds allocated to pay for medical services that were not actually provided.



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