A tragic incident occurred in the village of Zabolotne in Zakarpattia — four people, including two children, were poisoned by carbon monoxide. This is reported by the State Service of Ukraine with...
In one of the settlements of the Kyiv region, the pyrotechnic units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine discovered and seized an enemy decoy drone. The aircraft got stuck in a tree, and what happened...
The Cabinet of Ministers expanded the possibilities of booking employees in important sectors, allowing up to 100% to book employees of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex and energy industry. The changes also include extending the deadline...
A bill has been registered in the Parliament of Ukraine proposing to reserve 100% of the employees of the State Emergency Service (SES) from mobilization due to their important role in rescue...
A high-rise building was on fire in Kyiv. Firefighters managed to save three children and eight adults. It was not without casualties. This is reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. "The fire broke out in the switchboard of the 16-story...