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Weather forecast for December 29: cloudy, but without significant precipitation

On December 29, Ukrainians can expect mostly cloudy weather, but forecasters do not predict significant precipitation. The temperature during the day will either stay at 0 °C or exceed...

Cloudy weather without precipitation will last in Ukraine all next week

During the next week, cloudy weather without precipitation is expected in Ukraine. Forecasters predict stable weather conditions, with temperatures within the climatic norm for this time...

Weather forecast for today: from -5°C to +14°C and partly cloudy

Today in Ukraine, a change in temperature conditions is expected, with fluctuations from a slight frost to more heat, which will determine changeable cloudiness and no precipitation. As noted...


The court made an arrest on the jacket of the Black Sea Fish Port in Odesa region

The scandal around LLC "Black Sea Fish Port" (LLC "CRP") reached ...

10 million in cash and dozens of land plots: what is known about the wealth of the Excisher of the LCA and the Prosecutor General's Office

Former Deputy Head of the Central Interregional Directorate of the State Migration Service ...