In the Vinnytsia region, the police carried out a successful operation to eliminate a powerful drug laboratory that produced significant amounts of amphetamine every month. A criminal organization that operated in the territories of Vinnytsia...
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) carried out high-profile arrests of the heads of the Department of the State Customs Service, who were involved in a serious corruption scandal. According to information from sources in law enforcement agencies, officials...
People who have been fined for untimely updating of data in the TCC and have not paid the fine may have their property confiscated. All conscript men must by July 16...
The High Anti-Corruption Court sentenced Ihor Shcherbina, former godfather of Roman Truba, former director of the State Bureau of Investigation, and ex-head of the Main Investigative Department of the General Prosecutor's Office, to 6...
Metropolitan Ionafan Yeletskih, who belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UPC MP), ended up in Belarus after being sentenced to imprisonment...