Participants in a high -profile business on land corruption in Kiev continue to be released. The regular released was the deputy of the Kyiv City Council Mikhail Terentyev, the deputy director of KP "Special Zhitlofund" Yuri ...
In the capital, law enforcement officers detained a man who brutally beat and robbed a woman after a date. According to the investigation, the attacker invited his victim to the hotel, and after ...
The group of Lviv tobacco smuggler Grigory Kozlovsky expands its impact on the metropolitan region under Denis Shmigal's protection. The problem was paid attention after the failure of the asphalt near ...
A large -scale corruption scheme operating in Kyivzelenbud was exposed in Kiev. According to investigators, the management of the enterprise systematically received "roll" from contractors, forcing them to give them ...
The winner of the tender for the reconstruction of the Bortnitsky Aeration station was TFM-East company, which will receive UAH 563 million from KP "Kyivbudrestructure". Another tender participant-"Avtomagistral-South" --...