Today, the weather in Ukraine will be diverse and contrasting. Precipitation in the form of rain or sleet is expected in some regions. At the same time, temperature indicators range from...
During the next week, cloudy weather without precipitation is expected in Ukraine. Forecasters predict stable weather conditions, with temperatures within the climatic norm for this time...
Quite calm autumn weather with mostly dry conditions is expected in Ukraine today. According to the Ukrhydrometeorological center, precipitation is unlikely in the reserve regions of the country, but in some places it is possible...
The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center warns of frosts in Kyiv and the Kyiv region, which are expected in the night hours from October 17 to 19. The temperature may drop to...
According to forecaster Natalka Didenko, frosty weather is expected in Ukraine on Tuesday, January 9. The next night, the air temperature will be in the range of -10-18 degrees, and in...