Gas tariffs in 2025: what will change for Ukrainians

From January 1, 2025, Ukrainians will continue to receive gas at the current tariffs, which do not change for household consumers, thanks to the legislative moratorium on increasing the cost of gas and its delivery, introduced during martial law. This means that the cost of blue fuel for the population will remain at the level of UAH 7.96 per cubic meter for Naftogaz customers, which make up 98% of consumers. However, gas transportation tariffs will be increased, but this will not affect the payments of Ukrainians.

What will change with gas transportation tariffs?

From January 1, 2025, the National Energy Regulatory Commission (NERCP) will increase the gas transportation tariff for domestic consumers by 2-4 times due to the termination of Russian gas transit. At the same time, this increase will not apply to gas delivery tariffs for household consumers, as they pay for the service to operators of gas distribution networks, and not to the Operator of the Gas Transport System of Ukraine (OGTSU).

From January 1, 2025, Ukrainians will see changes in the cost of gas delivery, as it will be a recalculation for the volume of gas consumption recorded from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. The amount in payments for gas delivery will consist of two components: the delivery rate and the volume of consumption. The delivery tariff will remain unchanged, but the volume of consumption may change depending on how Ukrainians saved gas in the previous period.

Also, from January 1, 2025, the cost of servicing domestic gas networks will change. It is expected that this payment will average 25-65 UAH per month, depending on the house and its characteristics.

Billing for gas delivery in 2025 will be based on the volume of gas consumed for the period from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. If Ukrainians have saved gas during this time, the amounts in payments for delivery may be smaller.

In general, with the new calculation in 2025, gas delivery payments may increase for those who have not reduced their gas consumption. The tariff for gas delivery does not change, and even if the moratorium on tariff increases is lifted, a government decision to cancel the PSO regime (imposition of special duties) is necessary to change the price of gas for the population.

Thus, Ukrainians will not see significant changes in the cost of gas for residential consumers in 2025, but changes in the cost of gas delivery may affect payments, depending on savings.



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