In Ukraine, a situation has arisen when employees of the TCC carry out checks on conscripts, which sometimes raises questions about the legality of certain actions. In particular, during the press conference, Major Larisa Kozak, deputy head of the RTCC and SP in the city of Kyiv, gave a clear explanation regarding one of the issues that cause concern among citizens — whether representatives of the TCC have the right to take away the mobile phones of conscripts.
"I will say right away that the TCC has no right to take away the means of cellular communication," she said.
However, according to her, the TCC building is a regime object.
"Therefore, the legal requirement of an employee of the TCC will be to determine the place of communication for a conscripted citizen in the premises," explained Kozak.
The deputy head of the RTCC and JV in the city of Kyiv claims that such premises should be in every TCC. She added:
"Some offices are really categorized, and it is forbidden even for us to work there with cellular communication devices that have a certain radiation. We don't use it there."
Lawyer Dmytro Franchuk explained whether it is possible to book an employee in Ukraine after serving him a summons.
According to the expert, the widespread opinion about this possibility probably arises due to confusion with different types of subpoenas and stages of the mobilization process.
The lawyer clarified that currently the legislation of Ukraine does not provide for the possibility of booking an employee after serving him a summons, however, at the same time, he noted that "theoretically" this is real "until the moment of receiving a "combat" summons (for sending to a military unit)."