In Kyiv, the police detained an organized criminal group that demanded 7,000 dollars of non-existent debt from the capital's doctor. As it turned out, the perpetrators arranged blackmail for a fictitious situation in which the doctor was put on the "counter" due to alleged debt.
Among those detained is a criminal authority from the Chernihiv region who, together with his accomplices, organized a fraudulent scheme. They attributed a fictitious debt to the doctor and demanded the return of the money under the threat of physical violence. In order to create the appearance of help, one of the participants offered to resolve the conflict peacefully, but instead the accomplices beat the doctor and continued to demand money.
The perpetrators were detained on January 9 while receiving part of the money - 3,000 US dollars . They had already received $1,500 from the doctor. During the searches, the police seized significant amounts of money, weapons and cars.
Four members of the group were charged with extortion (Article 189 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Three detainees were remanded in custody, and the issue of the fourth suspect is being resolved. For what they have committed, they face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.