In September 2024, Ukrainians purchased 5,700 new cars, which is 30% less than in August, according to Ukravtoprom data. Such a significant drop in demand is explained by abnormally high demand in August due to rumors about a possible increase in taxes on the first registration of a car.
Despite the cooling of the market, Toyota continues to hold the lead with 840 new cars. However, compared to September last year, the demand for cars of this brand fell by 13%. Renault is in second place with 541 cars (+21%), and Skoda is third with 443 cars (-5%).
Renault Duster , which was registered 504 times, is leading among the bestsellers in September
Despite the drop in September compared to August, the demand for new cars almost did not change compared to September of last year, the growth was only 0.1%.
In general, since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainians have purchased 53,000 new passenger cars, which is 21% more than in the same period last year.