The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center warns of intense frosts in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (Ukrhydromettsentr) has announced intense frosts expected in Ukraine during the next two nights. This is due to the influence of an anticyclone coming from northern latitudes.

The decrease in temperature in Ukraine is caused by the arrival of a high-pressure anticyclone. In it, air circulation occurs in such a way that the cold air mass comes precisely from the Northern latitudes and, accordingly, the cold came from there

- said the Bird.

According to her, in most regions of Ukraine there is a noticeable drop in temperature and there are frosts.

"There are frosts at night. They are of the I and II levels of danger — that means they are on the ground and in the air. In the next 2 nights, we will have quite intense frosts of about 0.5 degrees in different regions of the country," she added.

The spokeswoman of the Ukrhydrometeorological center said that the frosts will pass only the southeast in the coming night, because it is cloudy there and there are light rains in some places.



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