People's Deputy of Ukraine, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Oleksandr Fedienko said that if it is impossible to establish the owners of Telegram channels that inform about the locations of roadblocks and representatives of the TCC, the users of such resources may be held responsible. This is reported by .
According to the deputy, the administrators of Telegram channels, who spread information about the locations of checkpoints and the movement of military structures, should bear criminal responsibility for their actions. However, if law enforcement cannot identify the administrators, they will try to prosecute those who transmit such information to chatbots.
Monitoring of user actions
Fedienko explained that if a citizen reports a checkpoint or other military structures on Telegram, law enforcement agencies can try to locate that person through the use of the same platform. By telephone or other means of monitoring, it is possible to conduct preventive conversations with those who violate the law.
Criminal liability for obstruction of military operations
The People's Deputy reminded that the legislation of Ukraine provides for criminal responsibility for obstructing the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or other military formations. This may include the dissemination of information that potentially compromises national security or the effectiveness of the military.
This statement emphasizes the strengthening of control over the actions of citizens in wartime conditions and the importance of responsible behavior in the information space.