New changes in the system of issuing driver's licenses are planned in Ukraine

Ukraine is preparing for the next reforms in the field of issuing driver's licenses. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs) has published on its website a draft departmental order "On approval of changes to some normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine". This document envisages significant changes in the procedure for conducting exams and monitoring their integrity, the purpose of which is to reduce corruption risks and increase the transparency of the process.

As before, the exams will be conducted in the form of tests. Each ticket contains 60 questions that must be answered in 60 minutes. Nothing changes here.

But the new draft states that test tasks will no longer be automatically generated by the method of random generation with the help of special software of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They will be developed and regularly updated by one of the enterprises from the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (which one is not specified).

There are also new requirements for the cameras in the training car, which were used to record the passing of the practical part of the exam - driving. Class "B" cars must have at least 4 cameras, and class C, D, CE, DE cars - at least three technical control devices. Currently, there are no requirements for the number of cameras - it is only important that there are in principle. What's more, the new project has a special scheme for mounting cameras in cars, which did not exist before. It shows the specific points where the equipment needs to be attached (see photo).

It should be noted that this is not the first attempt to break the schemes of "trading" rights, when future drivers simply pay for each part of the exam - theory and practice - and pass everything.

Previously, the fee was $100 for theory and driving. But after the examination process began to be more tightly controlled (in particular, cameras appeared in training cars), the fee skyrocketed.

At the same time, as Vadim, the capital's driving instructor, told "Strane", the schemes themselves did not go anywhere.

"During the driving test, the examiner, with whom there are agreements, simply does not voice gross mistakes, and the cameras do not always record them. What's more, training cars always have additional pedals, and the examiner can help "steer" himself. It will be the same with the new rules. No matter where you attach the cameras, if the two are in a conspiracy, then you can always make sure that the most important thing does not get on the cameras. But prices will soar even more. If earlier they paid 200 dollars for the compilation of theory and practice, now the prices reach almost a thousand. The next stage is twice as expensive," Vadim believes.



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