January 1 in Ukraine: church holidays
Today, Ukrainians honor Saint Basil the Great, Saint Peter the Tomb, as well as the Circumcision of the Lord in a new style. In the past, this day was associated with the commemoration of the Martyr Bonifatius and Saint Ilya of Kyiv-Pechersk according to the old calendar.
Folk traditions on Basil's Day
On Basil's Day, boys and young men sowed at their neighbors' from the very morning. They took bags of grain with them and sprinkled it on the threshold of the owners, wishing for abundance, happiness and well-being. According to tradition, the more sowers a family received, the more successful the coming year was.
The grain collected after sowing was stored until spring and used for sowing. Sowers were treated to goodies and treats.
Hearty festive dishes
On this day, hostesses prepared many hearty dishes, among which were traditionally sausages, jelly, blood pudding, cabbage rolls and cookies in the shape of an animal. Pastries were distributed to relatives and neighbors, and the leftovers were given to animals - for their health in the new year.
Signs of happiness and prosperity
- For good health, it was recommended to wash with water from a well or spring.
- The more sowers come to your house, the better the year will be.
- The remains of grain after sowing were considered a symbol of harvest and well-being.
What not to do on January 1
- Do not borrow money and do not take out loans - this promises debts for the whole year.
- Do not abandon the things you have started - be sure to finish them.
- Do not quarrel and avoid conflicts in order to maintain harmonious relationships with loved ones.
- Do not throw garbage or take things out of the house - this was considered a bad omen.
Zodiac sign for those born on January 1.
People born on January 1 have a Capricorn zodiac sign. They are distinguished by perseverance, purposefulness and strong character. such people achieve their goals earlier, preserving honor and humanity.
January 1 is the day when traditions, beliefs and modernity come together, creating a unique holiday atmosphere. By following folk customs and advice, you can ensure yourself a successful and happy year!